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Irreducible Subjects - Session 4: Stories that Genomics Can and Cannot Tell
Roundtable discussion: “The Promise and Perils of Social and Behavioral Genomics” - Session 3
The Human Genome: A Decade of Discovery, Creating a Healthy Future (AM Session - Part 1)
April 2022: Dr. Rob Carter - The High-Tech Cell
The New Telomere Diseases: Organ Failure and Cancer - Neal Young
Why Evolution is Different
Prof. James Tabery of the University of Utah on the Tyranny of the Gene
Charles T. Wolfe | Materialism and artifice: natural history and the cultured brain | 12.02.2016
Neuroscientist on Meditation, Consciousness, Postmortem Survival, & more: Prof. Marjorie Woollacott
Working with evidence to support listening comprehension
Ann Pendleton-Jullian ─ Design, Agency, and the Pragmatic Imagination
What is consciousness? - Michael S. A. Graziano